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[연합뉴스] PyeongChang-honorary ambassadors

927 2017.11.08 17:26





PyeongChang-honorary ambassadors


Actors, musicians named honorary ambassadors for PyeongChang 2018


SEOUL, Nov. 6 (Yonhap) -- South Korean actors and musicians were named honorary ambassadors for the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics on Monday.


Actor Yoo Dong-kun and his actress wife Jeon In-hwa are among the latest goodwill spokespeople for the first Winter Olympics to take place in South Korea, along with popera tenor Lim Hyung-joo and violinist Park Ji-hae.

Lim was unable to attend the appointment ceremony in Seoul for personal reasons.


Yoo, Jeon, Park and Lim have joined the likes of the classical ensemble Sejong Soloists, soprano Sumi Jo and BIGBANG member Taeyang from the art and cultural sector.


 "The PyeongChang Winter Olympics will be an opportunity to promote our country and also hallyu (Korean pop culture) to the rest of the world," Yoo said at the ceremony. "Sports can unite people. We'll do the best we can to promote the Olympics."


Park, who was born in Germany, is a fan of winter sports and an accomplished skater. In July, Park posted a promotional video on her Web site in which she plays the violin while doing figure skating and competes against men playing hockey.


 "PyeongChang 2018 will be the greatest sporting event in Korea after the 1988 Seoul Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup," Park said. "And I hope it will bring our people together and allow us to demonstrate to the world what we're capable of."


PyeongChang 2018 will kick off on Feb. 9 next year. 





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